
Types of Self "Small Power Switching Transformers"

The new line of small size switching transformers is intended for low power switched-mode power
supplies (SMPS).
In effect, for the electronic and electrical applications, the interest toward the SMPS is growing also for
the small power range, as they show in comparison to the traditional 50 Hz supplies smaller size,
better efficiency, good output voltage regulation and finally comparable or lower cost.
These transformers are manufactured on E-shaped ferrite cores in three popular sizes: E13 - E16 and
The range of characteristic of such products is really very wide as most of the users ask customized
products. However, to meet general purpose requirements, specific versions have been designed to
work in combination with some well known integrated circuits.
When possible, also a low cost version in alternative to the low loss version have been foreseen.

List of family Small Power Switching Transformers